Saturday, July 15, 2006

More Advil.. For the love of Monkeys..More Advil !!!

Saturday morning my marathon training group decided to get an early start to avoid running in the hotter part of the day. So we met at 5 am ! Sounds like a good idea... until the alarm clock goes off at 4:15.

We started our run at Dangerfield Island. We went south towards Mt. Vernon to the 4 mile marker. Then we turn around and go back.

We ran a total of 16 miles.

Ouch... my legs still hurt.

Good news.. next Saturday .. we are only running 8 miles. ! woo hoo!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your CRAZY - 4 AM is insane!!! At least you know you got an amzaing work out and will be ready for the Marine Corp Marathon.